Clients & Advisory Work
Over the years, I have advised a long list of organizations to include various technology firms and many public entities. Below are a few of the organizations I have advised or for whom I developed transportation and/or smart city content. Note, this is not a comprehensive list, only a sample by organizational type.
Technology Firms & Telecoms
Schneider Electric
Red Hat
Charter / Spectrum
City of New York
City of Kansas City
City of Detroit
City of Atyrau, Kazakhstan
City of Lafayette, Louisiana
City of Raleigh
City of Baltimore
City of Honolulu
NEOM (Planned city in Saudi Arabia)
Regional Urban Organizations
Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (Cleveland)
Genesee Transportation Council (Rochester, NY)
Transit Authorities
New York City Transit Authority
Doha Metro (Qatar)
Hanoi Line 1 (Vietnam)
Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART)
Long Beach Transit
Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS)
Autoridad Metropolitana de Autobuses (San Juan)
Tren Urbano (San Juan)
New Orleans Regional Transit Authority
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY)
New Jersey Transit
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
Lane Transit District (Eugene, OR)
Long Beach Transit (CA)
Long Island Bus
Fresno Area Express
C-TRAN (Vancouver, WA)
Hampton Roads Transit
The Rock Island County Metropolitan Mass Transit District
Metro Transit (Minneapolis/St. Paul)
Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (Houston)
Via Metropolitan Transit (San Antonio)
In Abu Dhabi, discussing the alignment of Etihad Rail, the new national railway of the United Arab Emirates.
Bilateral Organizations
US Agency for International Development (USAID)
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
UK Department for International Development (DFID)
Supranational and Other Organizations
European Commission
Mozambique Regional Gateway Programme
World Economic Forum
American Assoc of State Highway Officials (AASHTO)
Biden for President 2020
Airlines/Airports/Airport Authorities
Continental Airlines
San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
City of Dallas – Love Field
Sacramento International Airport
Calgary International Airport Authority
City of Cleveland, Department of Port Control
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
US Federal Agencies
Federal Transit Administration
Federal Highway Administration
Department of Transportation
Trade and Development Agency
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Department of Homeland Security
City University of New York - Aviation Institute
Transportation Research Board
Ferry Systems
Staten Island Ferry
Hampton Roads Ferry
National Railways
Amtrak (USA)
Vietnam Railways (Duong Sat Viet Nam)
Etihad Rail (UAE)
Qatar Rail
Malawi Railways (CEAR)
Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM) (Mozambique Railways)
Il Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato (Italian Railways)
Commuter Rail Systems
Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (California)
Long Island Railroad
Metro North Railroad
Tri-Rail (Miami-Ft. Lauderdale)
At a project site in the desert, north of Doha, Qatar.
On the apron at the Port of Beira, Mozambique, for a project for UK’s Department for International Development.